Friday 8 September 2017

too easy, really

recently, I've been encountering a number of people who talk at me. i'm not interested but haven't yet found a way to get myself out of these situations. partly being too polite and not wanting to hurt their feelings. and partly ... well, i'm not yet sure what the other part/s is/are.

now, anyone who knows me in real life, also knows that i like to talk. and i was wondering just how many people feel exactly how i feel with those people when they spent time with me.
of course, i'm pretty confident of my awesome conversational skills and my great storytelling skills.
nonetheless, i feel it's a sign to be more mindful.
more mindful of what i say (you know that rule: is it kind? is it true? is it necessary? dare i admit it: i guess a lot of what i say does not tick those boxes. even if it is rather funny!).
more mindful of how the people i speak to feel and what their needs may be.
more mindful also of why i say what i say.

so much to be mindful about!
how very useful then, that I am reading this book at the moment as part of Megan Winkler's fb bookclub:

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