Tuesday 25 July 2017


Acceptance is a tough one for me. Or certainly has been. Wishing for things to have been or to be different. Which is of course a futile exercise!
Something I am working on. And I can feel how much of a difference it makes already.
The other learning is of course, that there is no button to press, no switch to flip and everything is different. It's a constant learning process, which includes me 'slipping up' once and again, falling back into old habits. But overall still moving forward.
Painful at times, but that's part of it all, isn't it?

I remember people telling me that the bad stuff is part of it and that without it, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good stuff. And I used to be convinced that there would be another way to live my life.
While I still don't fully agree with the latter (needing the bad stuff to appreciate the good), I do believe that both are part of life and experience. And I shouldn't label it 'good' or 'bad' to begin with.

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