Tuesday 4 July 2017


What does courage mean to you?

It's not a word I associate with myself but interestingly, other people seem to associate it with me and this has shown up on several occasions recently.

I'd say I am a do-er. And I don't like fear holding me back. When I realize that fear of failure or of embarrassing myself (what does that even mean?!) are the only reasons in the way of doing something that I actually want to do, I try to go ahead and do it.

Courage somehow is connected with doing something that feels difficult and scary to do. Overcoming obstacles along the way. Maybe that is why I don't feel courageous. It seems that I might need courage in that one moment when I make a decision to do something - such as moving abroad or resigning from a job - but once I've taken a decision, it just seems natural and I have the faith and intuitive feeling that this is really the only way forward.

Would it change anything for me, if I did consider myself courageous?
I'm not sure.

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