Thursday 31 July 2014

All called out

My day started with a call with the Australians at 8am. Which meant getting up at 6:30 to be in the office on time. Not a good time to get up AT ALL. Now that I've met at least some of them in Cape Town, it's much easier to identify their voices though and it's generally a more personal relationship, which is lovely.

Then the next call at 14:00, then 15:00, then 16:15. It only took 2.5 months to get my new hands-free phone set ordered - great day to trial it! It looks pretty cool and my colleagues at first thought I was talking to myself as they couldn't see it from the side. It is very practical and lets me type without a problem (which also means I can do some actual work, while listening to the conversation). There is just a bit of an issue with me being able to hear myself with a slight delay, like an echo. Not great, but you actually get used to it quite quickly. It also makes me think twice about saying anything at all.

Nearly bedtime and nearly the weekend! Where I'll also be able to catch up with blog entries for this week. I  clearly have such an amazing social life that it doesn't leave time for blogging anymore! ;-)

Good night x

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