Monday 1 February 2016


I used to make fun of my Mum who generally avoided driving in the dark.
Well, what can I say: I totally get it now!

I attended a training in Feldkirchen the other day, about 27km from Rosenheim. I was quite pleased with myself for getting there with the help of google map on my phone and without stressing out too much along the way. The return journey was another story though... All country, single lanes, mostly with speed limits of 70 or 80km/h, which I mainly stuck to as well. But clearly still driving too slowly for the liking of the car behind me (thank God for a red light in one of the villages I had to pass through...).

Long rows of cars coming from the opposite direction were basically blinding me with their lights. Is that just me? Am I night blind maybe? How do other drivers see under these circumstances?
It's a miracle.

It's also a miracle that I arrived back home safely... Safe to say that I will not be driving in the dark again anytime soon - other than within Rosenheim, where the lights of the city (hahahaha) guide me.

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