Wednesday 17 February 2016

think before you speak

Always a good policy to have for a number of reasons. By sharing with other people, I have to ask myself whether I am prepared for their opinions. And while I'd like to think that my own views are independent of other people's views, I am noticing more and more that in certain circumstances, other people's comments influence me more than I'd like them to. It might make me feel suddenly insecure about my own views, it might also make me resent them for their views when they contradict mine or when I perceive them as condescending for example.

I fully appreciate that this is all about ME and not at all about THEM. And let's face it, I am probably one of the worst people, dishing up my views left, right and centre in the spirit of trying to help people.

So, really, I should think more before I speak. In terms of what I want to share but also in terms of letting people speak more and not always forcing my views on them.

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