Monday 8 July 2013

CCC - Culinary Conference Catering

I usually lose weight when running a meeting. It's a mix of not having much time to eat as well as the food not being terribly good and lack of appetite due to stress. (Un)Fortunately the recent event we held in Edinburgh was an exception to all of these three: the event ran so smoothly, thanks to great staff at the venue and from the catering company (Saltire Hospitality), which meant I had time to eat AND the food was really good. Especially the cakes... Plus with everything - including the social events - being held at the same venue, there wasn't much running around to be done either... Well, this will hopefully motivate me to hit the gym again more often. OR the hot weather will mean that I will eat loads of salads! (I know, it's unlikely...)

This is just a small selection (heavily skewed towards the sweet delights):

cake for the afternoon tea and coffee break
delicious mini fruit tarts served during the buffet dinner reception

Tia Maria Mini Profiteroles...

filling looked a bit like tuna - I love Yorkshire Pudding and horseradish

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