Friday 20 February 2015

Oh, the irony

I went to a conference the other day. And it basically - once again - confirmed that conferences really are about meeting people, networking and not the content. I attended a few talks and found that the presentations weren't targeted very well at the audience in question. Rather than finding out new trends and information, I simply felt patronized. 'The professionals' teaching us amateurs how to do our jobs. Slightly weird concept, and a massive fail in my books.

As Event Managers we might be a tough crowd to please, but surely as the organizer you will at least attempt to get the basics right: like AV that works, publish the correct session times, and provide a little heating in the lecture room so people don't have to sit there freezing despite still wearing their winter coats...

I do at times wonder what I'd think about my own events if I attended as a delegate. And whether our own delegates are simply much more forgiving or have lower expectations than I do. And then I remind myself that I am simply pretty good at my job! (the coaching is working a treat :-))

I would LOVE to hire these pink trees for an event!

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