Thursday 19 April 2012

Of course

Just five minutes before the courier arrives to take away our 21 boxes for the meeting we are running next week, it starts pissing down with rain. The estate manager is of course long gone by then, so we cannot open the gate. Which means that the driver has to carry all the boxes all the way from our office to his van parked outside the main gate. And he is just slightly surprised when he is faced by 21 boxes. His office had told him that there would be one box, weighing 0.5kg... Hm, seems that they just randomly inputted this, when my colleague told them over the phone that we didn't yet know how many boxes there would be.

BUT the lovely guy insist that we do NOT help him carrying the stuff to the van, as he doesn't want us to get wet. I feel too bad about this, and do help a little. But the poor bloke gets absolutely soaked. And when I give him a tip he doesn't even want to take it: You really don't have to.
I know. But I really want to.

And of course, five minutes (literally!!) after he's left, it stops raining and the sun comes out.
Well, it is April after all.

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