Friday 24 April 2015

Chance favours the prepared mind - Louis Pasteur

I like it.

I was talking to C about how I often feel that I've simply been very lucky in my life so far - in terms of being in the right place at the right time. Which is when he mentioned the quote. And he was generally saying all the things I needed to hear or at least that made me feel better. Maybe because I got a sense that he could relate to what I am feeling at the moment based on his own move a few years ago. 

It was nice spending time together and while I've known him for some years (I actually don't remember where and when we first met), we haven't had much chance to talk over the years. I have no idea why I was convinced he'd told me about his kid(s) before - when he claims not to have any.
Quite possibly it just means that I need to LISTEN when people speak to me...

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