Saturday 4 April 2015

Don't look at me

Jess takes the photos at our events. Her style is to catch people unaware. The other day she came in to take staff and officers photos for our new website to be launched in the summer. I'll be leaving about 2 weeks after the go live date, so technically didn't really need my photo taken, but I thought it might be good to get an update for my LinkedIn profile which shows me with a heavy fringe. It's not even that old, but with my hairstyle changing on such a regular basis, photos go out of date pretty quickly...

Anyway, her strategy was to get us talking to somebody who was standing next to her. So, we are not looking at the camera. I'm not sure that worked very well (having said that, the results show that some of our officers are incredibly photogenic!). In my case, I feel, Jess should have emphasized that my colleague H should have done most of the talking. So instead, I was chatting away. As it happens, I hadn't yet told H about my likely move, so that made for an animated discussion... 

What am I doing with my teeth???
And yes, I am aware I am finally showing my face

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