Friday 20 May 2016

then and now

About six months ago I went to the dermatologist. Yesterday I went for a check up - as it happens with a different doctor in the same practice. Here's how it went: then and now:

1) The lump on my calf: it's a tiny little lump, a bit like an insect bite, but harder.
Then: Nothing to worry about and nothing to do either.
Now: Still nothing to worry about but why don't we try an icing treatment. This should reduce the size as well as soften the lump. Here, let's do this right away, it only takes a few seconds.

2) Itchy skin especially on my tummy and back. I've had this before and I always notice that it gets worse when I am stressed. I already have dark marks on my skin from the excessive scratching. All of which I told the doctor.
Then: That is all due to dry skin. Use an oil shower gel and moisturize. Of course that made no difference.
Now: Detects a proneness to neurodermatitis and prescribes a cortisone cream. Thank you.

3) The birth mark on my lower lip - not actually a birth mark, but some kind of mole that developed a couple of years ago
Then: Nothing to worry about. We could remove it, but that would only be for cosmetic purposes. Come back in six months just to monitor whether it's grown.
Now: It hasn't grown, but I strongly recommend you getting it removed. Even if no growth is detectable on the surface, it might be growing inwards - which is more likely even than the surface growing. F&cking brilliant...
So, I now have an appointment for mid July (the earliest possible date) to get it removed. They are likely to need two stitches. Well, I am not bothered - whether I have a blue mark on my lip or stitches makes no difference to me.

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