Saturday 17 September 2016

morning madness

Once again life has proven that things can change in an instant. Last week, I went from no jobs to two jobs. So, on Monday I found myself on a 7:29 train to Munich. Luckily I got one of the very rare parking spaces at the station. It's crazy but at 7:00 most spaces are already taken! I stayed in Munich over night, and had a note left on my car when I returned Tuesday night. A stranger asking me to not block two parking spaces next time. I share his pain, as there are a lot of idiots who park so selfishly that space is wasted. But my guess is that he left the note on Tuesday morning, when the car that was parked in front of mine on Monday wasn't there anymore. And I agree that it then would have looked as if I was one of the idiots...

Anyhow, this dire parking lot situation made me take drastic measures. I took an even earlier train on Wednesday. Honestly, why do so many people start work so early???
Again, I luckily got a parking space only to arrive at the platform to see that the train had a 5 minute delay. As it happens, the S Bahn was also delayed, which meant mine was waiting for me, when I got into Munich East late. On the way back though, it took me 2.5 bloody hours to get home. So, I decided to only go into the office once and not twice a week. Can you imagine wasting 5 hours a day on commuting?

I will say that the Alps in the distance did cheer me up a little

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