Monday 12 December 2016

paper planes

Expect the unexpected... The final exercise of this weekend's NLP class threw me. Which in turn frustrated me immensely. Rather than seeing the opportunities that frustrations offer, I still have the mental attitude that I want life to be rainbows and unicorns at all times.

I am happy to say though that after a good night's sleep (circling thoughts can be tiring!), as well as some good advice, I feel much better about it all today.

The weekend finished with a lovely little exercise. Everyone had to write their name on a piece of paper and then fold it into a paper plane. Which was then send flying. Over a few rounds, everyone then picked up a plane and wrote something positive about that person on the plane. So, we all ended up with a collection of positive feedback.

Needless to say that accepting positive feedback continues to be one of my issues. Yes, it is pretty amazing how I manage to make everything into an issue... Nonetheless, it was a great idea and maybe - just maybe - I will be able to accept that some of what was written down for me, is indeed part of me.


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