Sunday 11 December 2016

the meta model

I finally know the official term for what I've naturally been doing for most of my life:
questioning what people are saying.
Language is only ever an approximation of what we are trying to express. More often than not, it is incredibly imprecise.

Such as very obvious generalizations:
(all) men are/women are XX: Really ALL of them?
you never/always do XYZ: Really NEVER/ALWAYS?

And this is just one example of many.
I have the habit - and I am aware that this habit has annoyed people to a greater and less extent over the years - to question this. Simply because I generally try to understand what the person I am talking to is trying to tell me. So while I've made this experience (of annoying people with my questions), it's taken me until this weekend's NLP class to realize that sometimes asking the questions is simply not result oriented.

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