Wednesday 13 June 2012

Dance your body thin

There is such a variety of fitness DVDs out there. I literally spent 10 minutes standing in front of the shelf at HMV, and finally decided to take the following:

The gym is only 5 minutes from my flat. And membership is included in the rent. And I still find millions of excuses, why it's much better to stay indoors, on the sofa. So, I thought, maybe I can make myself move by decreasing the way to the "gym" even further. I basically only have to get up from the sofa and take two steps to the DVD player.

There is a whole range of 10 minute solution DVDs [Interestingly all of them had a sticker saying: "If you buy only one fitness DVD this year, buy this one!"Woman's Own] I decided to go with one of the dance DVDs*. In my mind I pictured myself dancing away to disco music [I know, I could simply put on a CD and do just that...]. But not quite.

The DVD has five different workouts, which you can combine however you like. Or simply do just one or a couple of them. All of them are quite similar though... It's basically aerobics. Which is my nightmare. Once upon a time, as a student, I tried a couple of aerobics classes. And it was very, very painful and even more embarrassing. I am incapable of moving my arms and legs at the same time. It's a fact. Having to see this confirmed by the wall-length mirror and witnessed by a whole class of super fit aerobic goddesses, was just a little humiliating.

This time, nobody could see me at least. Curtains were drawn.
I lasted two of the workouts. And while I wasn't really able to follow it, the instructor still told me how well I was doing. And despite all the above, I actually enjoyed it.

This was a week ago though. And I haven't switched it on again yet...
I might buy the yoga or pilates DVD next.

*I am not actually aiming to lose weight, but want to get fit. With hindsight, it makes even less sense now, that I picked this particular DVD...

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