Wednesday 22 February 2017

Abschied auf Raten - flashback

Lone wolf? Me? That feels like very far from how I currently feel!
Written in January 2015:

I've been thinking of quitting my job for a long time. Well, quite possibly from the day I started. It's safe to say that I've found it challenging. Over the years, challenges took on different forms, circumstances changed, my job changed massively. And as much as those things made me want to leave on occasion, they also contributed to me staying. Looking back, I have learned so much. I've gained confidence, my outlook on my professional life has changed. The way I see myself has changed. And of course this isn't entirely due to my job, but it has certainly triggered a lot of development.

I remember how in the first few years, I often felt that everything was a battle. Just like I had felt that a lot of my life until then had been a constant battle that I had been fighting all by myself. And I was getting tired. Looking back at the more recent years, I see how my 'network' has grown and I feel much more supported. I do wonder how much that is due to me letting other people support me, as opposed to being the 'lone wolf' I very often thought I was. 

The decision to actually leave is now taken and for the first time it feels absolutely right. No more doubts. For a number of reasons, I will be staying until the summer though. I have been telling a few people already as I wanted them to find out from me, rather than through an official route. 
One of the nice messages I got: 
"Very sorry to hear you are leaving. I've really enjoyed working with you and knowing you. And I hope we keep in touch."

I am very happy that not only have I been doing a great job but I've also made friends. 

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