Wednesday 1 February 2017

unexpected results

S came over to Rosenheim on Saturday. After a lengthy breakfast at Dinzler's, we headed back to mine for me to try some NLP on her. Anchoring and finding her meta space.

As I've said many times before, it gets me every time. How such simple exercise can flick a switch within the 'client'. It's emotional, intense and so powerful. It also reminds me of the responsibility you have as a coach. But also about how wonderful it is to be able to help somebody else even just a tiny bit.

And to end this with a banality: after the coaching we went for a walk along the Inn. In the snow. Not sure what I was thinking, but wearing my stylish but flimsy booties was a terrible idea. I got cold feet and kept slipping on the ice... I am a bit ashamed that my instinct was to grab hold of S - who I would have torn down with me, had she not been strong enough 😏

The next day, I went out for a walk again, this time with my hiking boots. And what a revelation: warm feet and no slipping in the snow.
Gosh, I am an idiot at times...

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