Sunday 30 November 2014

I'm amazing

So I was told last week.

I was invited to somebody's leaving drinks (a work contact). I don't know her very well, so I might be completely wrong about this, but it seemed as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Maybe it's just me, but I do have those days when I really would like to drop just everything and simply walk away. Don't get me wrong, I also fancy myself as a realist and I don't think that the grass is necessarily greener on the other side. But sometimes it just seems easier to make a fresh start. And yes, that may well come with all sorts of other issues.

Before the drinks, I went for a pre-drink with J. It was really nice to chat outside of work. Even if we did end up talking mostly about work. I have to admit that last week was rather stressful but - as I was saying to a friend and in my blog post yesterday - there are also so many positive things happening in my life and I really appreciate all the support I am getting. Sometimes it's just feeling understood that makes all the difference even if it doesn't change anything about the situation at hand.

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