Tuesday 18 November 2014


A few weeks ago, I saw a message on Facebook: somebody's sister was doing a coaching qualification and was looking for 'volunteers' for her to practice on. I contacted her and had a complimentary first session via skype. Which didn't go very well... From my point of view she kept asking me the same question, to which my answer was 'I don't know'. So, it got a little bit frustrating.

We agreed that this wasn't going to work and we'd leave it at that. A week later, she emailed me with another coach's contact details who she recommended. So, I contacted her and she offered me three free sessions. I had the first one on Sunday. And it was great! I got some new insights which I hope will help me move forward.

One of the things she observed, was that I kept using the word 'lucky'. I seem to regard most - if not all - of my achievements in life as having gotten lucky rather than taking credit for them. It still gets me how I am clearly set in the way I look at (my) life and how it takes effort to change my point of view and sometimes to simply be less judgmental of myself.

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