Monday 17 November 2014


There have been so many moments in the last year or so (and I've probably written about most of them on here...always nice to read them back) which make me very grateful for the lovely people I have in my life. The last week was especially busy and I was feeling absolutely exhausted on Friday. A jet lag-style tiredness which made me feel as if my mind was just blank (some people might ask how that is different from other days... and they might have a point...) and I couldn't get my brain to work.

At the end of last week, we had a leaving do for a colleague. On my way home, one of my colleagues who I had been chatting to, sent me this message: It was lovely talking to you.
Isn't that sweet?

Moreover, I've been complimented on my jewellery, dresses, my hair and was told that I look glamorous last week. I was wondering whether I never used to really 'hear' the nice things people said, or whether I've attracted nicer people into my life. Probably both. And maybe I've become a bit of a nicer person, too. At least, I'd like to think so. (it  may also just mean that I have better taste these days - with regard to what I wear)

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