Sunday 2 February 2014

Can I become an angry smiler?

That should probably read 'a smiling angry person'. But anyhow...

I don't have a poker face and I am not good at hiding my emotions. I get angry and frustrated easily. And everyone will know. I also swear a lot. Interestingly (?), the swearing only started when I moved abroad. I wonder whether swearing in a foreign language somehow removes the severity of the words' meaning and thus the inhibition threshold is lowered.

I've tried many times to swear less but it hasn't worked so far. But I haven't given up trying just yet. I do think that it's helpful (for me anyway) to get those emotions out rather than swallowing them. But it would be even better to just let them go altogether.

During the past week, I've noticed the 'angry smilers': they seem to get just as angry as me but they express it all while smiling. And that makes such a difference. While I come across as aggressive, you simply feel for them. I even admire them for having experienced a terrible situation but still being able to tell the story with a smile.

So, the plan is to become more like them. My job provides me with sufficient practice situations on a daily basis, so let's see how next week goes.

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