Saturday 22 February 2014

The Peasant

... is not The Pheasant. It only dawned on me when I saw their business card at the end of the lunch. Which has a picture of a peasant on it. Or at least I presume it's meant to be a peasant.

Anyhow, while we've booked this restaurant/bar for business lunches and dinners before, I had actually never been myself. Until yesterday when I went for lunch with a colleague. We sit on different floors and don't get to talk very often. To be honest, I was a bit reluctant to suggest it at first, as I felt as if I had to include the rest of the team, too. But I don't like going out with the whole group. So I finally just thought: sod it! I will just ask. And he said yes. And it was lovely. And I should stop over-complicating things in my head.

We shared pork belly and fish'n chips. And the chips were actually fries, which I much prefer. And anyone who shares their food with me, gets extra brownie points! :-)

The Peasant on St John's Street in Clerkenwell

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