Tuesday 20 May 2014

Give me power!*

We recently had 1 to 1 coaching sessions at work based on iWAM: Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation. I still need to read through the detailed report (about myself) but so far I found it interesting and useful. Given how much I talk, the scheduled hour was of course way too short and we didn't get through everything.... A lot of the results were as I would have expected with a few surprises.

The profile very much relates to the work context only. And it was interesting to see how my work profile differs from my personal profile. It's still a bit of a mystery to me why I sometimes am unable to transfer my work skills to my life. But hey, it's something I'm working on.

*Very High "Power": She is strongly motivated by situations where she has power, authority, and control over people and things.

I can totally relate to the control bit - I am indeed a control freak... Nevertheless, I wouldn't have associated myself this strongly with the term 'power'. Something to think about.

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