Monday, 10 March 2014

Escaping from the party tower

The boys from flat 72 like partying. I can often hear them leaving the flat or coming home late on a Friday or Saturday night. And when in the corridor, you can usually hear the music blaring out of their flat. Last Monday, I had a flyer pushed underneath my door: the boys (that's what they called themselves) were announcing a massive - one-off - party on Saturday. With VERY loud music and lasting until the early morning. This was their way of apologizing beforehand.

I hate noise. And especially when there is no means of escaping it. I started fretting until I reminded myself that it was only Monday and there really was no reason at all to worry and be upset the whole week leading up to this one night party extravaganza.
And so, I didn't.

Friday night though, they seemed to have a trial run. And I got woken up first my loud music. And then by the neighbour who was having a word with them. It was making me very nervous... And I found a simple solution: S very kindly let me stay at hers. Not only did I escape from quite possibly a night without any sleep, I also had great company and a very nice evening.

And it all goes to show that things very often work themselves out. And I shall spend less time worrying.

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