Sunday, 23 March 2014

Fading memory lane

I just spent three days in Lyon. During my third year at university, I spent six months in Villeurbanne, which is just outside Lyon. Well, there isn't really a 'border' between the two cities. I loved the city - probably the prettiest city I've lived in. I hadn't been back in years and when I was looking for cheap flights, Lyon popped up, so I went for it.

And it was a little weird. Not sure whether this is simply age - but I could hardly remember anything. I remembered the city and could remember isolated incidences/situations. But I can't for the life of me remember what I did all the time. I can't remember anything about myself either.

Besides, I thought the city had an aggressive and even menacing vibe about it. In just the few days I was there, I witnessed a few incidences - all during the day time. Of course these things happen everywhere but London feels very different. Maybe it's the difference between visiting a place and living in a place?

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