Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Lent 2014

Having been raised by a very Catholic mother, lent was always a 'thing' during my childhood. For those who don't know: lent is the period of 40 days before Easter - Sundays aren't counted. Generally, we (my brother and sister included) gave up sweets during lent.

I haven't done anything for lent in years. Giving up sweets or alcohol wouldn't mean much, as I can easily go without them anyway. Unrelated to its religious origin, I decided to use the occasion to make some changes - for now limited to the period of lent.

- No more using the f* word. This will be very tricky. And I already know that I won't manage. But swearing (a lot) less will be a good start. And in anticipation, I made the most of yesterday to get a lot of swearing off my chest! (hahahahaha)
- No clothes shopping. This will hopefully be doable. I might make an exception for my little trip to Lyon though. I shall see. Fabric shopping on the other hand is of course allowed!
- Drinking more water - at least 1.5 litres each day. I've been really terrible with this lately and I wonder whether it's contributing to my itchy skin
- Watching less TV. I might make that a no TV rule. Hm, well probably not... But I will make a list of programmes I'm allowing myself to watch. Otherwise, only DVDs will be allowed.

Wish me luck - or rather determination!

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